Lanna Hussain
Founder of Love Happens to Me

Laura is THE woman you need to see when you want to see improvement in your skin. I started seeing her for treatment and products because after years of acne I had scarring and adult acne. She turned my skin from problematic and something I was always trying to cover up to skin I could be proud and confident in. She is a wonder woman, her knowledge is second to none and she always knows the perfect combo of products and procedures to suit your skin needs.


Diana Felids

What I find so valuable in all that Laura offers is how she is up to date on the latest developments and technology within the beauty industry, her finger is always on the pulse, for example I recently had a 6 week LED course which Laura introduced me about. The pigmentation marks on my skin disappeared being replaced by a deep glow emanating from within my skin. The countless compliments I received were indeed flattering. Her passion and dedication in all that she delivers is clearly demonstrated through her impeccable standards of hygiene together with her gentle and gradual approach of treatments to any individual that is new to her. She listens intently to her clients desires and their needs and I can say over the 15 years I have been with her, the results are truly astonishing! If you want someone truly engrained in their profession and absolutely knows their field inside out then please look no further, you have found her right here.


Nicola and Antonis Petrou-Amerikanosuth
Clinic Owner/Previous employment

Laura Greco has a lot of courage to stick to her ethics and not put the £ sign first, allowing the patient to truly come first, a rare quality. She has a lot of experience and knowledge and works very hard to help her patients achieve excellent results, which has led her to have a loyal following of happy patients. I completely trust Laura and her work in the many award winning treatments she provides. Laura’s passion for getting results in a gentle, bespoke fashion is outstanding and she is one of the best facialist I Know